Overboard Project

The online animation classes at Uppsala University were about designing a character and a game concept to then animate a short 2D cutscene that could be in the game.

The first class focused on animation principles, character design and animating a walkcycle. The second class was set up to mimic a production pipeline from idea to finished animation for the game concept.

My game concept was based on information I learned about Norway during the class: from 1978 to 1989 it was illegal to “introduce and sell skateboards or parts for skateboards, advertise skateboards or parts for skateboards (and) use skateboards.” The main Character Nina lives in a 80’s style retro-future beachside city running an underground skateshop. The shop gets looted by a rival skate group/store, and go out around the city to collect the stolen goods and defeat the rival group. The game concept is a 2D side-scrolling platformer with some skateboard related minigames dispersed throughout. The animation is the first part of the animated introduction to the playable character, the setting and the plot.

character art

character sheet

action shots of main character

background art

seamless scrolling background

parallax background


Storyboards pg 1

Storyboards pg 2

Storyboards pg 3